FCC Youth

Welcome to our Youth Ministries!

The Youth Ministry of First Christian Church exists to empower youth by strengthening faith, advocacy, self-worth and relationships through interactive education and service.

As modeled to us by Christ’s life, these are the values of First Christian Church’s Youth Ministry:

Authenticity: Being and accepting ourselves as we are.
Compassion: Providing care based on your loving concern for others.
Encouragement: Increasing one another’s self-confidence by recognizing their gifts while also motivating them to use those gifts.
Non-Judgmental: Creating a safe environment while nurturing acceptance and respect.
Openness/Inclusiveness: Having an open mind and including everyone regardless of who they are.
Trust: Being a dependable person in creating a safe environment where communication is enabled without doubt of concern.

Would you like to join our team? Volunteer today!
Would you like to join our team? Volunteer today!

Meet Our Youth Minister