We are located at 2320 Country Club Road, near Thruway Shopping Center, and just around the corner from the Five-Points intersection where Country Club Road, Statford Road, First Street and Miller Street come together.
Our worship service begins at 11:00 a.m. in the church sanctuary.
There isn’t a dress code. Some worshippers wear their Sunday best while others wear more comfortable clothing.
There is plenty of convenient parking, including some visitor/guest spaces and handicapped spaces, in the parking lot next to the church building. The sanctuary, Taylor Fellowship Hall and the rooms in the educational wings are all on one floor, so all parts of the building can easily be accessed. There are handicapped-accessible restrooms available.
We recently installed the Loop hearing system in our sanctuary, which can connect to the t-coil in your hearing aide. Hearing assistance devices are also available, and one of our greeters will be happy to locate one for you.
The Disciples of Christ date back to the Restoration Movement in 19th century America. Barton Stone’s Christian movement and Alexander Campbell’s Disciples movement joined together in 1832 to become Christians, Disciples of Christ. The major tenets of the movement are:
(1) The New Testament teachings of Jesus the Christ are the best guide as to how Christians should live, not man-made doctrines or creeds (“No Creed but Christ”).
(2) Arguments and divisions among Christians keep them from doing God’s work (Christian Unity).
(3) All believers are ministers and share in the work of the Kingdom of God (“Priesthood of all Believers”).
(4) The Lord’s Supper is celebrated weekly and is open to everyone (Open Communion).
(5) Those who profess Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God, are baptized by immersion (Believer’s Baptism).
If you want to join with us, just contact the pastor and let him know of your desire. Although we teach and practice baptism by immersion for those who are old enough to proclaim Christ as Lord, we accept persons from other denominations without requiring re-baptism.